Clinical Research

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Spanning over several decades as both an RN and leader in Clinical Research, Theresa strives to prioritize the patient experience, whom after all, are our “customers”. In the business of research, our other customers are our pharmaceutical industry colleagues. Quality data and promises kept are paramount to ensuring all customers receive top notch care.
With a passion for leading and developing professional teams, Theresa joined forces with Dr. Jorge Garcia to bring clinical research to the Apex Dermatology & Skin Surgery ( practice. Since 2019, Apex Clinical Research continues to grow and expand, offering an extensive variety of dermatologic studies to our patients in the communities that we serve. Our quality research staff are a big part of why we continue to be sought after by top pharmaceutical companies.
Theresa’s role as VP of Clinical Research Operations is centered around working closely with our site’s team to ensure quality care, excellent data, and positive customer service.